1st ASW, 12-16 April 2021, video-conference
Article published on 8 January 2021
last modification on 25 June 2021

by pottier

A big thank you to the 250 colleagues who joined us for the 1st ACCORD All Staff Workshop, many ACCORD colleagues of course, but also colleagues from ECWMF and the COSMO scientific PM.

The All Staff Workshop does befit its name: many of the 290 ACCORDers (persons who worked on the Rolling Work Plans of the consortium over the last 3 years, representing 125 annual Full Time Equivalent) attended the sessions they were interested in and participated to the exchanges with the speakers and the chairs, including in the chat tool.

The biggest session gathered 180 simultaneous attendees (opening), the others between 130 (Data Assimilation, dynamics, EPS and Meteorological Quality Assurance), 150 (physics, posters introduction), 160 (surface), 170 (code and system development).
During the closing session, the new Area Leaders presented a summary of the session in their area and their plans for the future, with still almost 130 persons connected on this Friday afternoon session.

The speakers, posters’ presenters and chairs have prepared more than 100 documents for 70 talks, 20 posters, 9 sessions and 2 side-meetings.
The sessions have been recorded and the 31 hour video recordings are available. The content of the discussions in the chat have also been kept.
These documents are available below, linked to their relevant item in the agenda.

Agenda and list of participants

The agenda and the list of participants have been updated on 16 April.

The sessions took place on 5 full days 12-16 April 2021 on the same video-room, except for dynamics side-meeting.



Poster introduction introductory slides, (link to video recording, chapter 4).

We do hope that the situation will allow travelling in 2022 and we will be able to meet in Ljubljana at the kind invitation of the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) for the 2nd ACCORD All Staff Workshop on 4-8 April 2022.

The 1st ACCORD ASW will be organised as a video-conference with the sessions on 5 full days 12-16 April 2021: https://bluejeans.com/985550289/ [1].

The sessions will be recorded and the recording will be available through links from this page within 24 hours.

The call for presentations is closed. The registration remains opened until the end of March but presentations are no longer accepted.

The speakers are kindly asked to prepare a 15 minute presentation and send to Patricia the pdf file with their slides before the ASW.
The posters should also be sent to Patricia (pdf format) before the ASW. For those who want to introduce their poster, please fill your slide in the Google slides shared document prepared by Patricia (1 slide per registered poster): the slides will be shown by Patricia and you will be given the floor for a 2 minute introduction of your poster.


2021-asw-_assimdopplerwinds_aemet_js.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

20210415_srnwpeps_accord_asm_acalladop_v1.0_bis2.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

20210415_tijm_asm.pdf 15.1 MiB / PDF

20210416_gsreps_asm.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

202104_asw_mfradarda_martet.pdf 5.2 MiB / PDF

2021_asw_pt.pdf 1015.8 KiB / PDF

4dvar-status-accord.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

a-laef_accord_2021.pdf 4.3 MiB / PDF

accord_2021asw_daskit.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

accord_2021_erdmannf.pdf 6.3 MiB / PDF

accord_2021_ys_on.pdf 3.7 MiB / PDF

accord_asm_2021_poster_landgren.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

accord_asw_2021_eresmaa_v3b.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

accord_asw_cda_discussion.pdf 414.8 KiB / PDF

accord_dynamics.pdf 311.5 KiB / PDF

accord_eps_summary.pdf 203.6 KiB / PDF

accord_surface_plans.pdf 148.5 KiB / PDF

accord_surface_summary_and_plans.pdf 117.8 KiB / PDF

accord_system_area_leader.pdf 11.9 MiB / PDF

accord_wfpapril2021.pdf 9.8 MiB / PDF

aemet-nwpsystems.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF

aircraft_icing_with_the_ice-t_scheme.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

andrae_accord_ws_2021.pdf 852.1 KiB / PDF

asm_2021_ipma_monteiro_costa_silva.pdf 704.7 KiB / PDF

asm_2021_kourzeneva.pdf 2.6 MiB / PDF

asw2021_transact.pdf 185.1 KiB / PDF

asws_physics.pdf 216.4 KiB / PDF

asw_combarnous_presentation_april21.pdf 3.9 MiB / PDF

aws_sekf_ht_20210413.pdf 798.4 KiB / PDF

bbochenek_lace_surface.pdf 9.6 MiB / PDF

belgium-national-202104.pdf 2.4 MiB / PDF

birman_asm2021.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

brousseau_asm_2021.pdf 4.3 MiB / PDF

carlosgeijo.pdf 364.2 KiB / PDF

chat-asw-dynsm.pdf 26.7 KiB / PDF

chat-closing.pdf 57.5 KiB / PDF

chat-da.pdf 116.9 KiB / PDF

chat-dynamics.pdf 68.6 KiB / PDF

chat-surface.pdf 90.8 KiB / PDF

chat_code.pdf 68.2 KiB / PDF

chat_eps-mqa.pdf 48.6 KiB / PDF

chat_physics.pdf 108.4 KiB / PDF

chat_side_meeting_surface.pdf 55.3 KiB / PDF

chaut-opening.pdf 78.9 KiB / PDF

crps_accord_j.stein.pdf 573.8 KiB / PDF

cycling_talk_v2.pdf 104.5 KiB / PDF

da_lace_bstrajnar_2021_asw.pdf 2.5 MiB / PDF

dynamics_side_meeting.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

feddersen_accord_asw2021_singprecmbrs.pdf 779.4 KiB / PDF

final_discussion.pdf 374.9 KiB / PDF

for_surface_accord_2021_final.pdf 4.1 MiB / PDF

frogner_accord_asw2021.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

gmkpack.pdf 433.4 KiB / PDF

hagelin_aeolus.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

hamdi_aladin-2021.pptx.pdf 2.7 MiB / PDF

hirlam_surface_patrick_accord_2021.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

hirlam_ua_da_rr_2021_asw.pdf 5 MiB / PDF

hu-omsz_poster_aladin_2021.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

kii_metcoop_phys_202104.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

kopi_av_accord_asw_arome-arctic-ap.pdf 842.7 KiB / PDF

lace_eps_wastl.pdf 5 MiB / PDF

lace_neural.pdf 29.3 MiB / PDF

lace_status_asw2021_bochenek.pdf 15.7 MiB / PDF

lebeaupin_accord_210413.pdf 4.7 MiB / PDF

magnus_mw_accord.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

marquet_accord_zdec_lm_20210415_print.pdf 3.4 MiB / PDF

martin_daniel_aemet_phys_asm202104_v3.pdf 4.6 MiB / PDF

mary_build_prectices.pdf 980.3 KiB / PDF

metcoop_status_asw21_olev.pdf 488.4 KiB / PDF

meteireann_aswposter2021.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

mqainaccord.pdf 411.9 KiB / PDF

national_poster_austria_accord_2021.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

nielsen_20210415_accord_asw.pdf 4.9 MiB / PDF

nwp_activities_at_tsms.pdf 1.2 MiB / PDF

open_cell_convection_asm_2021_wim.pdf 9.8 MiB / PDF

pm_asw2021_v2.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

poster-france-asw2021-web.pdf 3.7 MiB / PDF

postersi_accord_asw2021.pdf 2.8 MiB / PDF

posters_introduction.pdf 2.2 MiB / PDF

poster_asw_2021_cz.pdf 1.3 MiB / PDF

poster_dhmz_croatia_2021.pdf 2.7 MiB / PDF

poster_poland_asw2021.pdf 2.4 MiB / PDF

poster_shmu4videoaws_2021.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

poster_workshop_accord_2021_romania.pdf 3.8 MiB / PDF

presentation_masek.pdf 2.1 MiB / PDF

raynaud.pdf 1.9 MiB / PDF

report_da_sessions_plan_for_cooperation.pdf 210.1 KiB / PDF

roger_lot1_sat_obs_virtual.pdf 3.8 MiB / PDF

rontu_ph6-2021_asw.pdf 14.4 MiB / PDF

sapp_at_tsms.pdf 809.6 KiB / PDF

siham_asw2021.pdf 1.6 MiB / PDF

snow_plan_present.pdf 55 KiB / PDF

summary_from_da_discussion.pdf 22.5 KiB / PDF

szintai_c-srnwp_accord-ws_2021.pdf 1.8 MiB / PDF

vabiloarso2022bold.pdf 270.4 KiB / PDF

varassim_nojk_asw21_olev.pdf 1001.5 KiB / PDF

weno.pdf 378.2 KiB / PDF

yb_accord_asw.pdf 10.9 MiB / PDF

zamg_assim_2021.pdf 3.8 MiB / PDF

Agenda ASW2021 156.3 KiB / PDF

Registered participants 74.9 KiB / PDF