Article published on 19 May 2021

by pottier

The main role of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) is to advise the PM and the Assembly on scientific and technical issues (ACCORD MoU, item 92)

The ToR of the STAC are defined in the Annex V of the MoU.
The STAC reviews annually the progress of the Consortium, based on reports by the PM on the realisation of the manpower commitments of Members and acceding Members, and the achievements of the RWP actions.
The STAC reviews annually the RWP proposed by the Project team, and the commitment of manpower by Members and acceding Members, as presented by the PM.
The STAC reports its conclusions to the Assembly, generally under the form of recommendations. These recommendations shall be decided by consensus of all STAC members. Whenever the opinions of the Members discussed at the STAC session are not amenable to consensus, the STAC should report all presented opinions.
From time to time, the STAC reviews the Strategy of the Consortium and advises the PM and the Assembly on this matter.
STAC Members are tasked to consult among the grouping of Members they represent, in order to acquire a broad vision of the users opinions, on-going developments, and progress of the scientific basis of NWP.

The STAC members can be contacted by email (accord_stac mailing list) or individually (see the composition of STAC).
The minutes of their meetings are published after email approval.

ACCORD STAC Group photo gallery, from 1/1/2023