Article published on 19 May 2021

by pottier

Each Member shall staff a Local Team Manager function, corresponding to roughly 0.1 FTE, to assure the good liaison between the Member and the project team (ACCORD MoU, item 117).

The ToR of the LTM are defined in Annex VI of the MoU:
The mission of the LTM function is to liaise between the Project team and the Members, including the following tasks:

  • Help the MG to elaborate the RWP by proposing contributions from the Member in various domains of the RWP, including maintenance and phasing
  • Confirm final commitments of manpower from the Member shortly before the Assembly ession
  • Provide the necessary information about the achievements in their teams to the PM and the MG to write the annual reports.
  • Organize the logistics of scientific visits hosted by the Member
  • Inform speedily the MG on any difficulties with the committed manpower
  • Report quarterly manpower actually delivered to the RWP via the manpower register
  • Liaise with the Scientific Secretary regarding the collection of Membership fees and the execution of the Consortium budget
  • Inform regularly the MG on the status of operational systems used by the Member
  • Collect returns of experience on the operational use of the common codes by the Member and inform the MG regularly on this
  • Encourage and monitor the adoption of recent export versions of the common codes by the Member.
  • Answer all inquiries from the PM or CNA or CSS.
    LTMs should attend at least one of their annual meetings. They may be, on an exceptional basis, represented by a substitute from the same Member.
    LTMs offer their full support for the organisation of the annual ALADIN Workshop. At minimum, they should monitor the match between the Workshop’s programme and the choice of the attendees from their teams as well as the latter’s proposed contributions.
    LTMs encourage scientific and technical communications of the work performed at their NMHS, or by their staff remotely. Hence, LTMs should play a role of animation and encouragement towards the scientific and public recognition of the Consortium.

The Local Team Managers (LTMs) can be contacted by email (accord_ltm mailing list) or individually (see the list of LTM).
The minutes of their meetings are published after email approval.

ACCORD Local Team Managers photo gallery, March 2023