Musical Adventure
Article published on 30 May 2022
last modification on 17 August 2022

by pottier

In the spirit of ACCORD logo, the choir of the Portuguese meteorological service, known as "O TEMPO CANTA" and its conductor Sérgio Peixoto are pleased to invite all ACCORD colleagues to take part on a little musical adventure.
They would like to record a video-clip with an ensemble of voices from the ACCORD community performing the piece "What a Wonderful World", which was immortalized by Louis Amstrong.

To help ACCORD colleagues on this task, are provided:

  • the individual record of each voice on piano (BASS/ALTO/SOP/TENOR+piano .wav files),
  • the musical arrangement for four voices (pdf file).

To participate:

  1. learn the melody suitable for your voice (by reading the lyrics and listen the records, for instance) until you become confident; and then
  2. record your voice and image, while listening simultaneously with headphones, the record suitable for your voice.
  3. once you are happy with your record, just upload on this shared directory that already contains the material provided for you to participate.
  4. if you have further ideas for instruments arrangements, please contact or provide your proposal.

Your record is welcome up to the end of October 2022, in order to release the video-clip before Christmas.