1st ACCORD Assembly, 8 March 2021
Article published on 17 December 2020
last modification on 25 June 2021

by pottier

As decided during the ACCORD kick-off Assembly, the 1st ACCORD Assembly took place in video-conference on Monday the 8th of March at 09:00 (CET).


  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
  3. Nomination of the Management Group
  4. Final versions of MoU Annexes VII & VIII
  5. Information on DestinE
  6. Proposal for a PAC meeting in spring
  7. Dates of 2021 Consortium events, including next Assemblies
  8. Proposal for ACCORD logo and website
  9. A.O.B.
  10. Closing

Approved minuted

item3.pdf 1.1 MiB / PDF

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